Attract Clients in 60 Minutes a Week Using Instagram!
In this training, I show registered dietitians how to build their brand consistently and get paid using content.
Stop struggling with how to attract clients using content. Instead, discover how to feel confident about the content creation system so that it takes you less time and helps you grow your business so that you can start attracting clients faster.
(Even if you don’t have experience growing a business, you’re still stuck working clinical, or you’re afraid to show up on social media)!
YES! SIGN ME UPAttract Clients in 60 Minutes a Week Using Instagram!
Let me give you 3 reasons why you won’t want to miss this training:

Learn the truth about content marketing

The secret formula to save time creating content every week

The three-part caption guide that we ONLY share on this training to get you new clients consistently

So Glad You're Here!
Hi, I am Libby Rothschild, CEO and founder of the Dietitian Boss. My trademarked framework has supported over 1,000 dietitians. Every person I met in school told me that any dietitian needs two years of clinical experience to be taken seriously. I had enough after almost four years of sitting in my dimly lit, windowless clinical office.Just like how you feel right now, I knew that my work mattered. After years of trial and error, I now learned how to help my clients (fellow dietitians) market to the correct audience, work smarter instead of harder, grow their confidence, create an impact, and make any amount of money they desire. Our clients have successfully started a dietitian business, and have mastered marketing to attract clients and create flexible schedules! Our clients now feel rewarded and are aligned to do work that aligns with their nutrition philosophy.
See What Other Dietitian Bosses Are Saying!

Heather DiBiasi, MS, RDN
I am so happy I made the investment to work with Libby when I did. Before I started working with Libby I felt like I was spinning my wheels trying to create this online presence and business but it was going nowhere. Through Libbys support, tools and coaching I was able to niche down, create an online program, put systems into place and attract my idea client. I also was able to create a group coaching program that exceeded my sales goals on my first launch. I now feel like I understand how to market online and continue attract the clients I want to work with through social media. Libby has helped me develop a confidence in my online business that I never though I would have. I would absolutely recommend Libbys program to other dietitians who want to start or grow their online business.

Mikka Knapp, RD
Finding my niche of weight loss was something Libby helped me do. I was tired of seeing every condition under the sun. Libby helped me attract one specific type of client and stop doing one-off appointments. Libby also helped me to create bundles and then packages.
Working with Libby was the best thing I ever did for my business.